Our New Normal...

January 1, 2020 probably started with hope and anticipation. This was going to be your year. The year you were going to loose that extra weight, improve your relationship with your partner and family, find your soul mate, payoff that debt, start a business or side hustle, and invest in yourself. Collectively as a nation, we were looking at an election year and all the possibilities of change that come with it, a pretty strong economy, and the hope of a more inclusive and peaceful country.

The world pandemic of COVID-19 came out of nowhere and changed all of that. We’ve been ordered to stay home and keep a social distance from others. For those who can work at home comes the adjustment of not interacting with co-workers and having to stay focused on our jobs while our home life revolves around us, teasing with distraction. Some of us have lost our jobs and with that comes stress and uncertainty about our personal and familial survival. Our children’s school has been postponed for the remainder of the school year and we are now our kids’ teachers by proxy trying to figure out how to keep them engaged with their education as their educators are struggling with adjusting their lessons for remote learning.

Moreover, our relationships have been taking a brutal beating. In addition to the stress and anxiety of our day-to-day lives, we also have the stress of trying to engage and keep our most important relationships strong, loving, and supportive. Whether they are the relationships within our home or the relationships with those outside of our home, it is becoming more difficult to maintain them. All the while, our mental health is being slowly eroded away by the stressors of life that are now magnified 100 fold.

This is our new normal - Treat Yourself Better Therapy is here for you and your family. We want to support you through this difficult time. Learn ways to help and care for you so that you can help and care for your loved ones. Is the relationship with your partner and kids tense and anxious? Treat Yourself Better Therapy will teach you and your loved ones how to relieve the anxiety and stress of our new normal. CALL Treat Yourself Better Therapy today to put you first!

Please visit our COVID-19 Information Page for resources for you and your family if you are struggling with paying your bills and feeding your family.